Revolutionise education now! Ideas #2

Fourth year. Introduce handicrafts, engineering, mechanism and general things associated with building. Get more advanced with the abstract-specialized kids. Teach the mini-chefs about nutrition, start going in-depth with the musicians about theory. Teach the other artists about the greatest artists in history and all of that stuff. Arrange small circus-shows starring the little jugglers and acrobats. 

           And let the pupils studying management and leadership take part in the decisions of different events. Nothing too serious. Have more fun and be freer this year than usual. Make a lot of theme-weeks, each with focus on every single aspect of the many different subjects. Everyone participates on equal hands, but the “stars” of the week should in this year be taught to take responsibility for each other’s learning by teaching each other as much as possible.


Fifth year. Approximately nine or ten years old now. This is where it gets very untraditional.

Evaluate each individual thoroughly. Now is the time to see if some fall behind, or sprint ahead of their classmates. To save some virtual ink, it comes down to this; make mixed age groups. Put children that are, for instance physically seven and twelve years old in the same classroom, if they are of mentally the same age. I have experienced people with far too many failures and too much wasted time due to the current regime neglecting the fact that physical age SOME times has nothing to do with how people act, think, behave in general. After all, it is grownups that start wars, right? (;

A few schools are already doing this all around the world. Haven’t heard of a single negative example yet.


Sixth year. Still with the ½ – ¼ – ¼ system as stressed in post #1, now is the time to go really hard on educating and filling up the mind with good old school bench bookworm education. Make this the theme of the year, but make it fun. Be sure to spend a lot of time telling about your (the teachers and adults in general) personal lives, intrigues and excitements. Don’t be shy – sharing is caring, as they say.

When people are just about to enter the teen age, we love to be told stories about what’s on the other side. Don’t be shy to skip the scheduled subjects, if that’s what it takes to finish your story once in a while.


Thank you for sticking with me so far. This is really interesting for me to write about, so I definitely hope to hear your comments on this (:

To be continued… 

Revolutionise education now! Ideas #1

Some quick, unedited thoughts on how to possibly revolutionize education and help it up from the pit that it is slowly getting too caught in.

First year. Drawing, playing instruments, singing, juggling, cooking, very, very lowest level of exercising and stretching, helping the children making games they can control and expand themselves. Make fun things into small mini-projects. Fool around with it all, let the children make the activities their own for a year or two. Be kind and gentle, but fair and close to neutral in judgments and compliments.

Second year. Some kids may now show drastic improvements in either of the above skills and general creative skills. Let the teachers spend long time with the children to get the best impression of each individual soul’s preferred activities. Say 50% in a class of twenty show a drastic improvement in one or more of these skills – now teach those ten how to expand their work, how to explore different corners of their interests. Some of them may already know – just sit back, observe and follow these children, and, if possible, get them to teach the other kids of the same genre. The other 10 kids, the ones that didn’t show any special interest in these more… let’s call them abstract activities – now is the time for them to be introduced to the most basic math and language.  Teach these language/math kids ¾ language and math, and ¼ “abstract” skills. Teach the abstract kids in equal, but opposite proportions.

Third year of school. Now is the time to separate the language and math kids into different preferences as well, just like we did in second grade. Of course, for each year we also expand and intensify the subjects just as in every other system, but go a bit harder than usual on language, though. ->Here’s why<- (this is something that pretty much every scientist will agree upon.) But now that we have three groups it is time to do ½ of each groups’ main subject, while doing ¼ of either language and math, or abstract and language. You get the idea ;) Let the children reevaluate and change their main subjects as they want up until sixth or seventh grade.

Introduce the children to a lot of outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, sailing – everything possible the school can afford, and do this at least one time/week each year following.

To be continued (: <– click!

Technological disadvantage!

Why does the government complain about missing jobs, when they allow machine’s to replace us?

First off let’s talk about the advantages new technology is currently indulging us with:

Industrialism, which means – more food for export and therefore import as well –> slight public wealth growth. Industrialism – more of everything generally: chairs, computers, pens, toys etc. for export/import. Industrialism again – more schools à bigger pool of public knowledge. Greater effectiveness in terms of infrastructure and transport opportunities. And of course better phones, pc’s and residential heating and other comforts. Anything obvious I guess haha :)

Those are what strike my mind just now.

There are, however, some maybe-not-that-obvious disadvantages of our technological advance.

Lower quality of the mass produced food. *Pointing at McDonald’s!* – which in turn means bigger budget spent on medical services. Lower quality of the mass produced schools. They’re even making “super schools” for 5000 pupils +… I will write the problem with this solution in a later post. Fewer jobs! <– That right there is why I made this post. There are many more problems with technological advance, but fewer jobsis by far the most relevant one at the moment!

 There really is no huge explaining for me to do here. Just think about where machines took our jobs:

–          In the postal service – no one sorting mail anymore.

–          In the snow cleaning business – you don’t see 10 guys sweeping the road, having fun anywhere…

–          Agriculture – most farms have had their loving & caring workforce replaced by giant technological monstrosities.

–          Generally every factory have had their 200 man workforce replaced by 2-4 guys reading the newspaper whilst supervising the assembly line or the superfast, never-failing robot hand.

–          Even WAR now has the same difficulty for the soldiers, as a simple computer game or war-simulator some places. Not kidding! Have you seen how they just remote control bombing drones? (not that I support war at all, which I don’t)

Some of these examples may seem silly or unnecessary, but tell me then; would you rather be without job, than spend 6 hours each day, creating a cozy atmosphere with your fellow mail-sorting-colleagues? Would you rather be without content, than be a part of a 200 man workforce at the toothpaste factory? I know what I would choose.

And working on a factory is not necessarily boring and unhealthy due to some wrong body posture. I say switch duties, listen to music on huge subwoofers, have a weekly contest or create a theme for your workstation! There are all kinds of stuff that can help create an awesome atmosphere no matter how tiresome work can be.

But for the sake of ourselves; let’s fight the machines & get our jobs back!

Do you dare to live?

Not long ago, I swore an oath to myself. Or… at least I said to myself:

Andy! In whatever aspect of life I currently find myself in, you must do everything to always seek new ways of doing things. Always aim to eliminate what makes my spine chill by walking towards my fears with both erect posture and state of mind! Always to seek new things such as music, art, writings, friends etc.

Exploration is the keyword here. And there even is a mathematical phenomenon too called the Fibonacci sequence to explain this. In short, it always seeks outwards and therefore becomes a spiral with no limit to its exploring end.

I, Andy, therefore as a responsible being, refuse to end up as one of those who have had the same pattern of behavior and acting for the last 5 years and the next 5, too. Now – I might overreact a bit, but I know you get the feeling of where this is going! The character currently in my mind is somewhat like this:

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Andy on God – A Realistic View

I do believe in a greater something, yes. But I’m definitely not religious, nor an atheist.

I believe in Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed as much as I believe in Attila the Hun, Caesar and Alexander the Great – simply because of years and years of research. (Not by me, though) ;)

If you don’t believe in any of the religious guys, then give this thought a… thought:

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