Having A Blurry Period Of Your Blogging Adventure? pt. 2

When I first began to realize that this emptiness of non-blogging was upon me, back in August & September, I was in the middle of an educational program. It would take three years to complete, & would have opened up for further education possibilities to become a journalist, which is something that I want to do sooner or later.

The first four months of this educationthe key to “success” – as people say in this modern society, I didn’t like it at all… I quickly realized that this was not the way of achieving happiness for me. So I quit.

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Having A Blurry Period Of Your Blogging Adventure?

This is for all you fellow bloggers out there who are currently experiencing a dark or blurred period of your blogging life.

I too am somewhere in the middle (is it like a weather forecast?) of that experience, and it’s an awful thing… at least so it seems. It’s like this huge block of shadow is covering your connection to the thinking part of the brain, isn’t it? Sometimes you get a glimpse of an idea behind this shadow, but then it’s gone almost just as quickly – hiding behind it. That’s what I visualize nevertheless.

Now I just may have a “solution” for both you and me:

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