Do you dare to live?

Not long ago, I swore an oath to myself. Or… at least I said to myself:

Andy! In whatever aspect of life I currently find myself in, you must do everything to always seek new ways of doing things. Always aim to eliminate what makes my spine chill by walking towards my fears with both erect posture and state of mind! Always to seek new things such as music, art, writings, friends etc.

Exploration is the keyword here. And there even is a mathematical phenomenon too called the Fibonacci sequence to explain this. In short, it always seeks outwards and therefore becomes a spiral with no limit to its exploring end.

I, Andy, therefore as a responsible being, refuse to end up as one of those who have had the same pattern of behavior and acting for the last 5 years and the next 5, too. Now – I might overreact a bit, but I know you get the feeling of where this is going! The character currently in my mind is somewhat like this:

He drives a decent or maybe even expensive car. He is the all-round family-guy, who does nothing less than required, but certainly nothing more, neither. His kids attend to an above average school, and his bumper-sticker proudly states so. At work he never fools around, tells a joke, ask his co-workers personal questions, or keeps eye-contact with his boss for more than 150 milliseconds. What he does love to do though, is to keep his partner satisfied no matter the cost. Be it a few extra gifts or a few extra hours a week spend on listening to the “stories” her boring life. But is this “love” of his an illusion?

Guess what! She thinks that you’re just as boring as her! None of you ever mention it of course, but in the end you both think it.

So why don’t you mention it? – Some people “mention” it by making sudden behavior changes that hurt other people. Some even go crazy and therefore chooses to overdo their job – and oversee their family. Maybe because they think they need change in their life’s, and that their million dollar resident isn’t going to help them. But that is not too healthy neither, is it? The main reason AND result of not speaking up, is unpleasantness. It’s unpleasant to risk a brake-up just because of your… unpleasantness.

Do yourself and everyone you love a favor: TRY COMPLETELY NEW THINGS!

–          Get a new house in a new city

–          Get a new way of eating with the family for once

–          Get a new job

–          Get a new girl!

–          Just… Get new!

Or even better – if you’re up for it – get RID of your job, your house, your TV, your partner and your old behavior.

Travel the world for a few months – not just the regular 1-2 week pause. Change your life. Who knows? Maybe you’ll settle down somewhere in France or Greece (…well not now because of their current crisis, but you know…) ;)

What if your BMW, boring but safe partner and villa in the middle of the world’s business was to be replaced with a lovely boat along with a fishing-pole somewhere tropical, an exciting, exhilarating but clever – ‘cause I know you want a girl with a brain! – belly-dancer, and the simplest but yet prettiest lake-house in… Brazil!

If you think that I’m against economic success, big cities and safe partners, then please think deeper. All I’m saying is that YOU will be much happier doing something complete and utterly different.

(Simple houses do have internet connection, so your money-manipulation will be sustainable. ;)

The maybe most important result of your new life is the influence it will have on your kid(s). They too will become more adventurous and therefore more wise on life and all of its genius little details.


People who live by the laws of the Fibonacci sequence (knowing it or not) are more fortune and generally feel luckier than people who don’t.

Thank you for the read-through and your attention! Feel free to comment or even share/reblog!

I can even give you a logical reason to do so: try something new for a change! ;)

Anyways! You get my love for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it – hopefully laughed a bit! :)

69 thoughts on “Do you dare to live?

  1. I think when you really know yourself and what you love it is possible to settle into some level of routine without selling out or getting boring- especially when you’ve done so very much of world-traveling and life changing that that itself has become routine (I’ve been there).

    A friend of mine in his 60’s was recently diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. He’s a curator, artists, teacher, kayaker and generally awesome guy. He loves his work, his wife, his cats, his students and his hobbies. He’s in a routine of sorts at this point in his life. When he found out he had cancer, he made an extra effort to see friends more, but little else changed. That’s because he had no regrets. There wasn’t some thing he had always wanted to try but hadn’t. His terminal illness didn’t wake him up to the fact that he had taken the wrong path and wasted his life, because he hadn’t.

    My grandfather is now 96. He has been to more countries than currently exist (no joke). He has been knighted by the King of Thailand and received more awards for his work than he remembers and his adventures were prodigious. He loves his work, loved skiing and gardening, so many things. Now for the first time in his life he is being forced to STOP moving and changing and settle into t routine at home. In a way it’s sad but he’s also discovering a new appreciation for the quieter things in life, and actually slowing down long enough to spend time with his family and wife.

    There are many different ways to fully engage life. Routine and being more sedentary is a common enemy of that, but it’s not always a perfect indicator.

    • Mind of Andy says:

      A beautiful and real story about your friend and grandfather :)
      This post was intented to people who needed the “push”.
      But I thank you for reminding me about people like these two – they sure do make humanity a more joyful race!
      Thanks again, Mary, I appreciate it :)

  2. Just a bit of advice: Instead of “girlfriend”, you could try to use another word, like “partner”. It might sound offending – even though youif you

    • Sorry, hit the button … I’ll complete the sentence: It might sound offending – even though you are male – if you address your readers from a solely male perspective. It sounded a bit weird to me, you see, though in general I really liked your article, and admire the introduction to yourself. It bursts of life-affirmation.

  3. Thanks for your like on my post. Been busy with the offline life. There’s always something …

  4. thepsclub says:

    Very true. People get into a routine for years and years and they become afraid to try new things. This is a wonderful reminder. Thank you for this post!

  5. njs says:

    Great Blog…. very nice posts!!! Following you hence forth!

  6. newlife4rich says:

    Thanks for liking my blog. I just finished reading yours and I liked it. Life is what you make of it and starting down a new pathway is like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane and having faith that a parachute will show up in time. Keep blogging !

  7. witchborn says:


  8. shanoka says:

    Thank you for liking my post! I would never have found your blog otherwise. I love your perspective on life. As Charles DuBois once said, “The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”

  9. Hi Andy, thanks for your visit and your like on my blog. I just love your post. Have a wonderful day!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m so glad it prompted me to stop by here. I really enjoyed your post. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog as well. Keep life interesting by introducing new things always!

  11. Hi Andy. Thanks for the visits and likes on my blog. I’m so glad I’ve now taken a moment to check out yours because this post is great. I love your boldness and courage as well as your wisdom and willingness to put it out there by living it as well as writing about it. Good on you – keep it up, you’re a star.

  12. Shouldland says:

    Great post. Remember as Yoda says: “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose”.

  13. When everything seems to be going to the point of no return, your post appeared to me in a very necessary moment. I really need to move. Thank you Andy.

  14. motivatah says:

    Wow! How fantastic that you “get it” at the age of 16. I am just now getting it at 38, thanks to a life altering tragedy. Thanks for sharing your beautiful insight.

  15. wise beyond your years – keep writing!


  16. littleboone says:

    Hey Andy. What you are saying is like the saying about a braggart that says: “I know what I’m talking about because I have 30 years of experience.” when he or she has only 1 year of experience repeated 30 times.

    • Mind of Andy says:

      So far you have the only “negative” opinion about my writing’s, so I chose to believe that all the positive comments are a confirmation of me being right. Be I really get what you mean, and I’ve had that opinion my self, too… But thanks for letting me know!

  17. How does one live by the laws of Fibonacci?

  18. pecsbowen says:

    the reason why most people are stuck up and lead boring lives is because they have settled down for the monotonous routines and accepted it as their destiny. The enthusiasm for life is gone and maybe growing up with all the responsibilities tends to bog you down a but.

    But just as it is important to breathe in order to exist, it is important to be active and constantly developing in order to live. The money, but keep your love close. Don’t ditch your girlfriend, but instead grow with her.

    Growth is very important for that essence of life. And i am talking about the growth of self, the conscious and the soul. Monetary gains follow accordingly.

    I get stuck up in routines now and then, but then i take a break, and do something crazy, learn something new, go out and meet new people, go on crazy adventure trips , try something new ( ;) ) and a few other things….

    • Mind of Andy says:

      Yeah.. sadly /:

      Very wise state of mind, Bowen! I’m very happy for you! Keep spreading your thoughts by the way ;) It will only help us all, hehe :)
      Thanks for a long and loving comment!

  19. I love this -love it, love it, love it. I’ve never been one for old, tired routine and sometimes it makes me feel bad about myself because if I had I would probably be much better off financially but so far I’ve had an interesting life and at the end of the day that counts more. Great post.

  20. The Smile Scavenger says:

    It’s brave of you to be pursuing so many changes at once! I started my blog 2 months ago to try and do something to change my life as well. My mission statement is: “I vow to take risks, make dramatic life changes, and move out of my comfort zone in order to find my smile.” I hope you are able to do the same thing for yourself!

  21. PavleHeidler says:

    – must agree with one thing in particular – “being polite” is one of the biggest errors of the modern man. gets in the way of practically any conflict, and kills the any productive potential of a conflict that could, by means of argument and debate, bring them(?!) through to a new territory. – meaning, politeness makes things seem comfortable and smooth. but is that really what’S best? no, i say! :)

  22. greatnessnu says:

    Reblogged this on Life Lessons and commented:
    Try something new :-) it was So refreshing to read this! Great post! We do get stuck in the mundane routine sometimes. Thanks this is definite inspiration to try new things! I’m thinking kayaking ;-)

  23. Such an inspiring post! For the last two years I’ve been embracing change and new experiences – and while my life has restrictions on what challenges I can accept, I can honestly say my life has been better for it.
    You write so well – I look forward to reading more :)

  24. Melbin says:

    Andy, your just so wonderful

  25. sameetah says:

    i must say that u wright really really well :)

  26. balancedwesomeness says:

    Reblogged this on My Infinite Balance and commented:
    Interesting read and certainly what I have been doing – trying something new! My new thing this year will be a triathlon and learning to surf…both scary but new all the same!!!

    • Mind of Andy says:

      Thank you very much, Balance! ;)
      And awesome to hear :)
      I’ve always wanted to learn how to surf, but never got the waves or money needed… And I’ve had triathlon in my mind for long, too!
      Keep it up :)

  27. Margarita says:

    Andy, I’m smiling from ear to ear! Thank you! xoM

    • Mind of Andy says:

      Eeeh! Thank YOU! :) I’m finally getting my inspiration back, and therefore there’s nothing more acknowledging than waking up and reading a comment like that!
      Thanks dear! :)

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